
Rebuild - a Detroit Agency
How Advertisers Can Combat Decreasing Attention Spans

How Advertisers Can Combat Decreasing Attention Spans

(If you know you have a short attention span, spike to paragraph five.) Let’s start with a little hypothetical. It’s the year 2000, music videos are still a form of entertainment and we’re watching TV. As OutKast’s Hey Ya fades to black, Eminem’s iconic The Real Slim Shady begins with its epic opening intro, “May … Continued

Why Email Marketing is Still Highly Effective for Small Businesses

Why Email Marketing is Still Highly Effective for Small Businesses

If you’re a small business owner, you can’t afford to ignore your advertising efforts. According to the experts at Gitnux, email marketing has an estimated ROI of 4,300% for small businesses. That is a crazy good investment by any standards. Let’s look at some of the practical ways that this exceptional tactic can help your … Continued

The Impacts of Healthcare Marketing Strategies

The Impacts of Healthcare Marketing Strategies

When it comes to healthcare marketing, using strategic marketing is crucial for success. Your healthcare organization likely has big goals, like growing your patient base or increasing engagement. But achieving these won’t happen by accident – you need a thoughtful approach. Read on to learn more about how strategic marketing can transform your healthcare business. … Continued

The Benefits of Hiring Website Development Services for Your Company

The Benefits of Hiring Website Development Services for Your Company

In today’s world, successful marketing must have strong digital strategies in place. The foundation of your digital marketing approach will be your website. Without a reliable, attractive website, you’re already dead in the water. The quality of your website will directly impact the amount of traffic you receive and thus the amount of leads your … Continued

4 Ways an Advertising Agency Can Uplift Your Business

4 Ways an Advertising Agency Can Uplift Your Business

As a small business owner, it’s crucial that you make smart investing decisions for your business. This definitely includes your marketing decisions. LinkedIn reports that business owners usually invest an average of 9.1% of their company’s revenue in marketing efforts as of 2023. Your marketing will impact many other areas of your business and profitability. … Continued

A Business Owner’s Guide to Video Marketing

A Business Owner’s Guide to Video Marketing

Video marketing is quickly becoming one of the most popular marketing methods, making it a crucial component of every successful strategy. Short videos are great for social media apps like Facebook and TikTok, but long-form videos also have their place in every marketing strategy. According to WebFX, 41% of B2B organizations plan to invest in … Continued

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